Let's face it, when most of us hear the term "taking mushrooms", we think of the 1960s, we think of the anti-war movement, the “hippie” era. But how many of us truly understand the incredible power of this healing nutrient?
There have been a staggering number of research studies that have confirmed the effectiveness and worth of mushroom therapies for mental ailments and physical conditions. Most of us would be shocked to learn that there are over 14,000 different types of species of mushrooms!
We already use fungi in everyday medicine in the form of penicillin, which is derived from “Penicillium”. If mushrooms have the power to save countless lives from infection, what other benefits are we missing out on?
Mushrooms are life as its core. Would you believe that mushroom are more ALIKE the human body makeup than DIFFERENT? That’s right! Mushrooms’ structural and evolutionary connections have been discovered as being closer to animals like humans than to plants like vegetables.
So, if mushrooms are so closely linked to our own physical makeup, why not use these precious healing properties for our ailments?
We have been able to successfully attribute several species of mushrooms as legitimate alleviators to several conditions.
Among the more common medicinal mushrooms are:
Lions Mane
Turkey Tail Mycelium
King trumpet
Reishi Mushroomsare extraordinarily useful for boosting your immune system. Recent studies have shown that reishi can affect human genes in white blood cells, which are critical parts of your lymphatic system.
Many people have even consumed reishi for potential cancer-fighting characteristics.
Astonishingly, one study of approximately 4,000 breast cancer survivors discovered that roughly 59% of those patients consumed reishi.
Furthermore, a number of test-tube studies have demonstrated that it can lead to the death of cancer cells.
Turkey Tail mushrooms have an equally impressive healing quality. Turkey tail. As someone who has suffered from the effects of Lupus myself, I can personally say that Turkey Tail has helped ease joint pain, and even render my DS-DNA lab results to a “normal” range. This mushroom is incredible for autoimmune disorders. People have been using this mushroom to enhance the effectiveness of cancer treating medications and radiation treatments. It is also very widely used for muscle tissue enhancements, battling exhaustion, urinary infections, and countless other conditions.
Reishi and Turkey Tail can be found in everyday products like these:

Lion’s Mane mushrooms have been shown to significantly help restore neurogenesis. Neurogenesis is the generation of pathways of neurons in the brain. Neurogenesis is key when while an infant is developing in the uterus, but also remains just as important after birth and really throughout our life.
Exciting developments have been made by way of Alzheimer’s Disease treatment and prevention. And more recently, promising research is underway involving Lion’s Mane mushrooms and the prevention and halting of the progression of Alzheimer’s Disease.
Lion’s Mane is found is a wide variety of supplements and products that we can incorporate into our lives on a routine basis.

As a nurse of over a decade, I speak on these products with the idea and intention of using complimentary medicine in our everyday lives. We are truly worthy of being called “wise” when we can acknowledge that we do not have all the answers, and that we know there are many different ways to approach a problem. In my opinion, nature has many wonderful gifts to offer us to heal our ailments, and utilizing them responsibly and in an educated way, is truly the way of the future.
In the words of world-renowned Mycologist, Doctor Paul Stamets - “Micro- diversity is Biodiversity”